Rent-E is your key to explore Cluj-Napoca and the area around in the unique way!No car, or tram, or bus, or electric scooter can conquer the sensation you will get on your chosen electric vehicle! Skip traffic, no pollution and electrified feeling - this is Rent-E!Get known with Cluj by our created tours or feel free to brainstorm with us and create your desired personalised tour.We guarantee you fun, craziness and most of the time nice places. If you wish to ride around and get some info about Cluj history - you are in the right place.HOW IT WORKS1. Download the app2. Reserve your bike(s)3. Pickup4. Enjoy the ride :DMore info on website: #renteCluj #rent-e #rent-e cluj #bikeRent #bicycleRent #rentABike#inchirieri biciclete electrice #trasee de bicicleta cluj